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Gingrich: When will our leaders realize we are at war?
Newt Gingrich: Democrats spent over a billion trying to beat Trump and he is still standing
Newt Gingrich explains what it takes for America to remain a superpower - The Jedburgh Podcast
We asked MAGA Republicans a simple question: When was America last great? #TDSThrowback #dailyshow
Gingrich: We're close to a cultural civil war
Newt Gingrich- Full Talk! What they don't want you to know.
The Gingrich Senators: The Roots of Partisan Warfare in Congress
Newt Gingrich: This is a war against American civilization
Newt Gingrich "Breakout"
Watch Newt Gingrich's Full Speech Announcing End of Presidential Campaign
The Choice 2024: Newt Gingrich (interview) | FRONTLINE
Gingrich: By Super Tuesday you'll realize how big a threat Bloomberg is